Thursday, April 5, 2012

India in Manila: New Bombay

A blast from the past mode on.

When i got back from India from a 3-month vacation April of 2008, the first thing that I looked for is an authentic Indian restaurant that offers food as good as my Granny's cooking. I was in search for the one place that would satisfy my cravings and put an end to my growing frustration. I just love Indian food so much that i gained 10 kilos in my 3-month stay in India. Gross, i know.

Just a quick background reference, my mom has 100% Indian blood while my dad is purely Filipino. Sometime in the 1980s, their paths crossed, they fell in love and had me. Unfortunately, their relationship is one of those that doesn't end up like fairy tales do and they went on their separate ways. I was 5 then, and since then i haven't seen my mom until February 2008. I might dedicate a separate post for that "mommy-daughter" moment but for now let's mainly focus on how good Indian food is.

In my first few days in India, i was reluctant to indulge to their spicy foods. Thankfully, one of my Aunts, despite being a full-blooded Indian doesn't have the tongue for anything spicy. So, every time food is being prepared they would have the "spicy" and the "non-spicy". But even the non-spicy stuff was unbearable for the first few days because of the smell and the tangy taste of it. I remember having scrambled eggs for days and i even cooked Pork Adobo which to them is nothing but blah.

Not until my mom convinced me to step out of my comfort zone and be more adventurous with food. Then I thought of Anthony Bourdain and I realized that you're not a full born traveler without trying the native food. Haha! Feeling traveler. So little by little i opened up my heart, mind and mouth and tried their basics: Chapatti, Khana soup and Beans. It was okay and i was learning to like it but it wasn't until i had my Granny's Chicken Biryani that i went nuts over Indian food. Oh.My.God. Biryani is to-die for!

And there goes the looong list of my favorite Indian food both spicy and non-spicy which eventually resulted to my 143-lbs weight. HAHA. But what can i do, the food is just lovely. I would even have one Samousa a day (a street food for around 5 rupees) which is equal to 400 calories. Even their sandwiches and fruit shakes are unforgettable! So you can just imagine how upset I was when I got back here and found nothing that tastes like anything straight from my Granny's kitchen.

I was on the verge of losing hope when ta-dah I learned of New Bombay! It's one of the happiest feeling ever! When they say that their food is authentic, it really is! I just got to give it to them. The food is GREAT, the price range is a WINNER, even the place gives out a Taj Mahal vibe. I was in-love with the food that it became a weekly habit.

So for all of you out there who wants to experience India even for just a few hours, try New Bombay which has 4 branches in  Manila and trust me when i say that you will NOT regret it! Enjoy!

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